

-Drugs, weapons or any illegal contraband is not allowed in the building.

-Smoking, vaping, or the use of hookah is not allowed in the room. To smoke a cigarette, please exit the building. Do not smoke in the small entrance room downstairs.

-If party sets off the fire alarm, you will be charged for all current and after parties as well as any other fines or fees that may occur.

-Violence will not be condoned. Anyone who acts violent towards any other people will be removed with the possibility of the entire party.

-If action suggests a member of the party is over intoxicated, the employee may ask for the person or the group to leave. If vomiting or violent actions occur, the person must be removed from premises or the entire party will be asked to leave.

-Do not enter another person’s room under any circumstances whether they may invite you or know someone in the room. If you do, you may be asked to leave the building by an employee. Please respect the privacy of others.

-A waiver may asked to be signed to ensure the safety of the building and/or other people within the building.

-ID’s maybe asked to be check whether alcohol is present or not. If anyone under 21 is present, parents must be in the room with them at all times.

-Anyone who cannot provide viable ID will be considered underage. The ID must be a valid item, not a post in social media.

-Groups that have members under the age of 21 will need a PARENT from a member of the party attending for its full duration. The parent and child pair must show identification if asked.

-If alcohol is found in a room with underage members, the entire group will immediately removed.

-If and when you go outside or leave, please mind your volume. There is a residential area behind the plaza.

-Any damage caused in the room must be covered by the party in the room.

-Breaking any of these rules will forfeit your deposit as well as your current payment and your party will be asked to leave.

-No refunds at all time.

-Private party rooms for groups between 1 to 50 people.

-Reservations are required for any parties of 13+ for any day.

-For Fridays and Saturdays, making a reservations is recommended for all party sizes.

-Any parties with members under the age of 21, must be accompanied by a parent, not an older sibling or anyone over the age of 21. ID's may or may not be required to be present.

-We are a BYOB, however, hard liquor is not allowed. N.J.S.A. 2C:33-27.

Sun-Thu: 3:00 PM - 3:00 AM

Fri-Sat : 3:00PM - 4:00 AM